Added by: brna, on 2011-03-21, at 1:06 PM, with 954 views, Category: Anti-Virus Software

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013

Kaspersky Antivirus 2013 is a comprehensive and powerful antivirus application that can defend your PC from various viruses, worms, rootkits, Trojans, malware and all other threats.

KAV 2013 inherits all the strengths of the previous version and adds increased speed and efficiency based on new technologies to its current version.

It is one of the most complete antivirus application that you can ever imagine. It makes use of the second-generation heuristic analysis principles to find even unknown threats.

The interface is pleasant and makes you believe that you are using an application that's only focused on basic functions, although whatâ?™s hidden under the hood is loads of powerful tools.

Cloud is one of the core technologies in KAV 2013. The cloud-based Kaspersky Security Network gathers data from millions of participating usersâ?™ systems around the world to help defend you from the very latest viruses and malware attacks.

All the Potential threats are monitored and analyzed in real-time and dangerous actions are completely blocked before they can cause any harm.
... Read more

Added by: brna, on 2011-03-21, at 1:04 PM, with 812 views, Category: Anti-Virus Software

BitDefender Total Security 2013

BitDefender Total Security 2013

BitDefender Total Security 2013 + Lifetime Activator | 558.999 MB

BitDefender Total Security provides comprehensive proactive protection against all Internet security threats, along with system maintenance and backup, without

slowing down your PCs. It combines state of the art protection against viruses, spyware, hackers, spam and other Internet security threats. BitDefender Total Security

features Antivirus, Firewall, Antispyware, Privacy Control, Parental Control, TuneUp (registry cleaner, PC cleaner, file shredder, disk defragmenter), BackUp Manager

for corporate and home users. Bitdefender Total Security 2013 offers ultimate silent security for the net-centric lifestyle, fighting every category of e-threats with

best-of-breed technologies. Bitdefender capitalizes on live and virtualized behavior-based detection, in addition to cloud-based services, to stop emerging e-threats

that other products miss. The Autopilot provides a hassle-free experience by making optimal security-related decisions without input from you. This means no pop-ups,

no alerts, nothing to configure.
... Read more

Added by: brna, on 2011-03-18, at 10:00 AM, with 1150 views, Category: News

O Humanitarnoj udruzi

 Donirajte 6.15 kuna telefonskim pozivom na broj

060 9007

Humanitarna udruga "RTL pomaže djeci" osnovana je u prosincu 2006.

godine od strane RTL Televizije i Večernjeg lista.

Udruga djeluje kao dobrotvorni fond te tijekom cijele godine,

podupire različite projekte unutar Hrvatske koji su namijenjeni djeci.


* Želja Udruge je osigurati potporu organizacijama koje nemaju

sredstava i kojima je pomoć potrebna na specifičnom projektu
* Želja Udruge je poticati solidarnost, uz jamstvo svim donatorima

da će njihov novac biti iskorišten na najefikasniji i najtransparentniji nač ... Read more

Added by: brna, on 2011-03-15, at 4:14 PM, with 594 views, Category: News

TCP/IP Protocols

TCP/IP is a large collection of different communication protocols.

★A Family of Protocols
TCP/IP is a large collection of different communication protocols based upon the two original protocols TCP and IP.

★TCP - Transmission Control Protocol
TCP is used for transmission of data from an application to the network.
TCP is responsible for breaking data down into IP packets before they are sent, and for assembling the packets when they arrive.

★IP - Internet Protocol
IP takes care of the communication with other computers.
IP is responsible for the sending and receiving data packets over the Internet.

★HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
HTTP takes care of the communication be ... Read more

Added by: brna, on 2011-03-11, at 10:20 PM, with 460 views, Category: News

Big Brother se vraća na ekrane!

U proljetnoj shemi 2011. godine, RTL Televizija emitirat će 6. po redu sezonu Big Brothera!

Big Brother vraća se na ekrane RTL Televizije veći nego ikada prije! U proljetnoj shemi 2011. godine, RTL Televizija emitirat će 6. po redu sezonu Big Brothera!

Svi ljubitelji ovog najvećeg i najspektakularnijeg reality show-a na svijetu se konačno opet mogu početi pripremati za vrhunsku zabavu jer Big Brother, najzanimljiviji i najuzbudljiviji dosad, priprema spektakularan povratak u program RTL Televizije.

Nova sezona donosi nova uzbuđenja, još veća iščekivanja i još više očaravajuće tajanstvenosti svojstvene ovom show-u bez premca. Format će biti koprodukcija najveće svjetske produkcijske kuće ... Read more

Added by: brna, on 2011-03-10, at 1:02 PM, with 567 views, Category: News

Sigurnost na društvenim mrežama

Otvaranjem profila na nekoj od brojnih društvenih mreža (poput Facebooka ili Twittera) tinejdžeri zadovoljavaju svoju potrebu da budu viđeni onakvima kakvima se žele prikazati. Tako na svoje profile stavljaju isključivo fotografije koje žele, koje ih prikazuju privlačnima i slično.

No, za razliku od odraslih, tinejdžerima Facebook služi i za kontrolu imidža svojih vršnjaka u javnosti te tu često nastaju problemi. Naime, osim što sebe žele prikazati društveno poželjnima, istovremeno koriste Facebook da vršnjake koji im se iz različitih razloga ne sviđaju prikažu u negativnom svjetlu.

Društvene mreže su im za to idealan medij iz više razloga:

• one su njihovo prirodno okruženje;
• vrlo brzo mog ... Read more

Added by: brna, on 2011-03-02, at 3:29 PM, with 550 views, Category: News

50 pitanja o EU ?!?

U protekle tri i pol godine besplatni EU-telefon Ministarstva vanjskih poslova zazvonio je više od 200 tisuća puta. To znači da je više od 200 tisuća hrvatskih građana zapravo tražilo odgovor na pitanje – zašto Hrvatska ulazi u EU i što je tamo čeka?

Pitanja koja su stizala na EU-telefon uglavnom su euroskeptična, što pokazuje da veliki broj građana sumnja u potrebu ulaska Hrvatske u EU ili vjeruje kako će Hrvatska od članstva u Uniji imati više štete nego koristi.

Suprotno očekivanjima, što je ulazak Hrvatske u EU bliži, to je više onih koji mu se protive. Sve ankete u posljednjih godinu dana potvrđuju kako bi jedva polovica ispitanika danas glasala "za” članstvo u Uniji. Upitno je, dakle, bi li ulazak u EU uopće prošao na referendumu da se on sa ... Read more

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