Added by brna, on 2009-11-20, at 8:44 PM, with 11512 views, in : Staff
Welcome to we're a community where you can find a lot of useful things in one place, of course, everything is free.
From a variety of Movies, TV series, Games for PC, Consoles or Smart Phones, listen to your favorite Music and download the entire album.
Find the Software what you need or the appropriate Operating System such as Windows, Linux, etc..
Read your favorite Book, download various Wallpapers, watch footage of Formula 1, MotoGP, the Paris-Dakar ..
And there are several categories such as Help and Info, Web Design, Earnings and much much more besides ..
Quick & easy to Register and become a part of our community, as a member you will have a full access to our entire website, without any restrictions.
If you have any suggestions, criticism or advice simply Contact Us or write to us at the forum. All is welcome, just as we have you in our community
We do not have annoying advertisements that opens on yours every click.
We do not have adfly advertisements on each download link, because we are not here to earn money on something that is already free for the whole world.
==Administrator functions==
Administrators, broadly speaking, engage in a common set of functions to meet t
he organization's goals.
These "functions" of the administrator were described by Brna Brns.
* is deciding in advance what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and who should do it. It maps the path from where the organization is to where it wants to be.
The planning function involves establishing goals and arranging them in logical order. Administrators engage in both short-range and long-range planning.
* Organizing involves identifying responsibilities to be performed, grouping responsibilities into departments or divisions, and specifying organizational relationships.
The purpose is to achieve coordinated effort among all the elements in the organization. Organizing must take into account delegation of authority and responsibility
and span of control within supervisory units.
* means filling job positions with the right people at the right time. It involves determining staffing needs, writing job descriptions, recruiting people to fill the positions.
* Directing is leading people in a manner that achieves the goals of the organization. This involves proper and providing an effective support system. Directing requires exceptional interpersonal skills and the ability to motivate people.
One of the crucial issues in directing is to find the correct balance between emphasis on staff needs and emphasis on economic production.
* Controlling is the function that evaluates quality in all areas and detects potential or actual deviations from the organization's plan.
This ensures high-quality performance and satisfactory results while maintaining an orderly and problem-free environment.
Controlling includes information management, measurement of performance, and institution of corrective actions.
==Moderator functions==
The ''moderators'' (short singular form: "mod") are users of the forum which are granted access to the posts and s of all members for the purpose of ''moderating discussion'' and also keeping the forum clean spam and etc). Because they have access to all posts and threads in their area of responsibility, it is common for a knowledgeable and trustworthy member to be promoted to moderator for such a task. Moderators also answer users' concerns about the forum, general questions, as well as responding to specific complaints. Common privileges of moderators include: deleting, merging, moving, and splitting of posts and threads; closing, renaming, of threads; banning, unbanning, warning the members; or adding, editing, removing the polls of threads.
VIP Member
==VIP functions==
Become a VIP Member! $14.95 for a 1 year membership! • VIP Forum Gain exclusive access to the VIP Forum.
This is an special forum that is designed to be a nice place to hang out, make friends, share LOST secrets, and find special content only for VIP's. • Contests Yes, that's right, contests! We will be having various contests with lots of prizes to give away.
Only VIP members can be entered into the contests. It's our turn to give something back to our special members! How do I become a VIP member? The cost is $14.95 for a 1 year VIP Membership. If your paypal email address is different that your email address used to register on this site, please send a Private Message to Admin and specify your member name to be added to the VIP, as well as your paypal address. After subscribing your account will still have to be manually activated. Most times, it will only take a few minutes, but please allow a maximum of 2 business days for this to occur. Thank you, and we hope to see many more VIP members soon!
==User functions==
User Member recently registered, must be a active member at the forum and then automatically transferred to your next advanced groups, we wish you much success as the user of, and to help many other members, just like someone helped you.
==Super User functions==
Member is a person who has received this status because it is very active in the forum, and has earned this status because have much posts what helped other member.Simply can reported the various posts that are not in accordance with the rules of the forum, and to report to administrators or moderators.Member has a strong status very strong after the administrators and moderators.
Banned member
==Banned functions==
Banned member is a member who has lost all status in our community, simply because violated the rules, insult other members etc.. Certainly he deserves to be retired from comunnity.If banned member wants to return the status, simply must send email to one of the charge in the community and asked that he want to return to the community and get back his status, depending on the violation of the rules, may be returned community.
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