Dynamo Magician Impossible
Magician Impossible is a fly-on-the-wall documentary that follows the life of magician, Steven Frayne. The 4 episode series was produced by Phil McIntyre Productions and Inner Circle Films for UKTV channel, Watch and Universal Networks International. In 2012, the programme was shortlisted at the 17th National Television Awards for Best Entertainment Programe but lost to Michael McIntyre's Comedy Roadshow. On February 1st, Watch renewed Dynamo: Magician Impossible for two series.
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Magician Impossible is a fly-on-the-wall documentary that follows the life of magician, Steven Frayne. The 4 episode series was produced by Phil McIntyre Productions and Inner Circle Films for UKTV channel, Watch and Universal Networks International. In 2012, the programme was shortlisted at the 17th National Television Awards for Best Entertainment Programe but lost to Michael McIntyre's Comedy Roadshow. On February 1st, Watch renewed Dynamo: Magician Impossible for two series.
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