The Walking Dead is an American post-apocalyptic horror television series developed for television by Frank Darabont. It is based on the graphic novel series The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore, and Charlie Adlard. The series stars Andrew Lincoln as Sheriff's Deputy Rick Grimes who wakes up after being in a coma to find the world dominated by "walkers", resembling the zombies of George A. Romero's horror movies. He sets out to find his family and other survivors along the way. The Walking Dead premiered on October 31, 2010 on the cable television channel AMC in the United States.The first season premiered to wide acclaim and was nominated for several awards, including the Best Television Series Drama at the 68th Golden Globe Awards. Based on its reception, AMC renewed the series for a second season of 13 episodes which premiered on October 16, 2011.Two episodes into the second season, AMC announced that the show would return for a third season. The first season of The Walking Dead was well received by critics, with a rating of 82 out of a 100 on Metacritic.The season one premiere was watched by over 5.3 million people.The season two premiere was watched by more than 7 million viewers.The Walking Dead also received many award nominations, including a Writers Guild of America Award and a Golden Globe Award for a Best Television Series Drama. >>>Download<<< | |
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