South Park
The Guinness World Record holder for "Most swearing in an animated series", Trey Parker and Matt Stone's crudely animated monster is going strong more than ten years later after we were first introduced to Cartman and the boys. Still offending just about everybody on the planet, it has avoided jumping the shark by continuously changing its targets and, most importantly, remaining incredibly funny. While it's undeniably puerile, the secret of South Park's success lies in the fact that its intentions are essentially good. Those who challenge common sense and general decency are the ones in the firing line - anybody else who gets hit are, well, collateral damage. Best Episode
Make Love, Not Warcraft (Season 10, Episode 8). Merrily ripping the piss out of the sacrosanct game, this outstanding episode finds the South Park boys working around the clock to improve their character skills so they can beat an asshole online player.
Did You Know?
Matt Stone records Kenny's dialogue by talking into his sleeve.
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