Added by: brna, on 2011-10-18, at 1:40 PM, with 515 views, Category: News

Facebook Gift Collector


With Facebook Gift Collector you can accept or ignore any Facebook games request in just one click.

Just select from the list the requests you want to accept/ignore and the tool will do the rest of the work for you without the need to reload your game.

A ... Read more

Added by: brna, on 2011-10-18, at 11:52 AM, with 655 views, Category: News

Farmville Magic Tools

Farmville Magic Tools is a program for Windows that allows you to automate many operations of Farmville game in Facebook.This program harvest, plants and plows VERY fast and it works on all the different farm sizes. Farmville Magic Tools scans your farm plots automatically, so there is no need to adjust any settings regarding sizes and positions. You can harvest trees and collect from animals with just one click instead of three! It provides also an auto sell /delete confirm feature.

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Added by: brna, on 2011-10-13, at 3:21 PM, with 644 views, Category: News

1. At first open an account on AlertPay. This is the place where you will receive all your money. What is AlertPay? AlertPay is a free, secure online account that stores your credit card and bank details, enabling you to pay online quickly and safely. Click the following image to open an account on

2. Now click on the following banner and you will be redirected to the official website of Sign up on this site. This site pay their members for surfing ads. When signing up for this sites at the payment option you have to provide your AlertPay email address where you will receive your m ... Read more

Added by: brna, on 2011-09-05, at 6:25 PM, with 2808 views, Category: News Mobile Application

App application is intended for users of our community to find a free internet content such as music, movies, games, etc + a lot of useful links ..

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Added by: brna, on 2011-09-01, at 1:14 PM, with 1888 views, Category: News


Added by: brna, on 2011-06-08, at 9:46 PM, with 636 views, Category: News

Get Your Account Back :Yeah sure but it only works if you were suspended because of a copyright claim not if you closed your account yourself ^^"

Here's the common mail I sent earlier ^^

I don't know if it's the only way to get it back but that's how I did ^^'
First you must know that I had 3 strikes and received a mail from youtube listing the videos which were claimed by Shogakukan and got me suspended, you need these urls to send the counter-notice.

If you have them skip the 1st step.

1. Go here :
- Available for users only ... Read more

Added by: brna, on 2011-06-06, at 2:04 PM, with 585 views, Category: News

Taman kad su se primirile strasti oko najave sudnjeg dana, koji se 'trebao' dogoditi 21. svibnja, stiže nam još jedna. Ruski fizičar Aleksej Dimitrijev zaslužan je za nju, a tvrdi da o svemu zna i NASA, samo da namjerno šuti o tome.

Dimitrijev tvrdi da povrh NASA-inih razmatranja kako se možda bližimo velikoj solarnoj katastrofi, postoji i teorija kako će Zemlja, Sunce i svi planeti Sunčevog sustava uskoro ući u nepoznati međuzvjezdani oblak. Taj bi oblak trebao objasniti brojne nedavne anomalije u svijetu i navodno povezati neke od ranijih neobjašnjiv događaja na Zemlji.

Misteriozni međuzvjezdani oblak trebao bi objasniti promjene polova, masovan pomor životinja, nedavno povećanje koronalnih erupcija na Suncu, topljenje leda na Marsu i povećan broj razornih oluja u SAD-u, k ... Read more

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